Autoleveling and CNC journey

Day 5:
Serial code has been wrapped up and I’m able to get the state of the probes connection instantly from the arduino and it’s live updating. I’ve also set up some code to allow uploading and viewing gcode files, I know the app looks beautiful right now. I’m still trying to think of a theme, if anyone has ideas let me know!

I’ve started working on the GCode generation for the probe gcode commands, the strategy I’m going to use is to figure out the boundaries of the gcode and setup the gcode commands for each step (eg move to probe point 1), that way I can run the step and then use gcode commands to fine tune the actual level.

The hardest part will be using the probe results and the original gcode file and combining them to produced leveled gcode, originally I was going to use autoleveler but this may be more of a challenge than just doing the leveling myself (I was looking at for ideas of how to do it)