10W and acrylic?

I would have the following suggestions:

  1. Clear acrylic laser with 1.6W laser module.

If the lasered may then remain white, here is the following suggestion.
Buy a few chalk pens (link: https://www.amazon.de/Kreidestift-Kreidestifte-Abwischbare-Kreidemarker-Kreidetafel/dp/B07T45B17D/ref=sr_1_14?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=B85UCQ8B1HTV&keywords=Kreidestift&qid=1648876193&sprefix=kreidestift%2Caps%2C73&sr=8-14)
Paint one side of the acrylic with it, preferably so that it covers everything.
Lasersn them on the chalk color and then wash the acrylic only with plain water off ready.


  1. Clear acrylic milling with the CNC module.

Buy for very fine engravings a 2 cutter (flat) or (fish) end mill with 0.5mm cutting edge (link: Sorotec Online-Shop - Werkzeuge)
And mill in the desired depth into the material, have found that the inside of the milling is much cleaner because by the pitch of the cutting the material is removed much faster.
Of course, the correct parameters must be used.


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