Feb. 11, 2018: Snapmaker-GD32Base-2.1-beta
This version will has this known bug.
Change Log
- After upgrade, the .bin file will be deleted from the USB Disk automatically.
- Added limit switch for 3D printing.
- After you turn on the laser or CNC using the touch screen and then go back to the home page, the laser or CNC will be turned off automatically.
- When there is something wrong with the thermistor, the touch screen will keep showing the temperature instead of showing the reboot screen. It will help identify the problem you encounter.
Snapmaker-GD32Base-2.1.rar (64.4 KB)
- Only products come with the USB Disk can upgrade the firmware.
- After you upgrade the firmware, please go to Control > Home Axes every time you turn on the printer so that the limit switch recognizes where the work area is.