Yes, i can agree. I did some further testing and could not get rid of this minimal extrusions in S3d, it seems the parameter for minimal extrusion length does nothing in that case.
It was not the head jamming (this means a collision nozzle-model, right?), it came from the stepper-motors because of too much force.- I guess the acceleration-ramps need some fine-tuning…
Conclusion: This is a model-specific slicer issue which occurs because of too (fast) excessive travel moves. Prusa Slicer did it without any problems with similar settings.
Hm I’ve started also having these y-axis shifts with a cylinder shape as well. I’ve tried Luban/cura using both thumb drive, transfer via wifi, and over wifi, and they all seem to happen. I wonder what’s up? It’s the 2" coupler from this Thing.
Newbie here, just setting up my A350 new here yesterday, laser today. Had a similar issue with a Mickey Mouse figurine about 3.5 inches height (grand daughter was here ), it shifted at the last 10% or so, so stopped it. I’ll try again tonight after setting the CNC module. Will let you guys know tomorrow. On another note, Luhan software is not there all the way yet, getting use to it tho.
Glad to be here!
@Marcos please start your own thread so we can help you more and as not to get confused with any information contained in this thread, as @WilliamBosacker this specific issue was resolved as a slicer problem.
Hey there everyone, I think its important to continue fixing this problem because its happening for me now too… I have been using CURA to print for awhile now because Laban continues to be COMPLEATLY bricked for me and CURA is far superior anyway.
However this layer shifting issue has popcorned its way up from the enigma that is my SnapMaker A350 and I cannot seem to resolve why. Some prints go hours with no shift and then decide to move a few mil in the X or Y direction. I have seen this happen up to 11 times in a single print with varying degrees of shift distance (generally shifting in the X direction ranging from 1mm-10mm).
See Examples Below:
-Boba Fett Gauntlet (3 shifts)
-Custom Flashlight Mount (11 shifts))
What linear modules are assembled?
If it happens to your X all the time, i would suggest to interchange with one of Z or exchange to a new one.
Share your gcode and settings for further assistance.
In general, i guess, its a overheating stepper because of fast stop and go most time when this issue occurs.
I’ve tried a number of different solutions already but I think the real issue was caused by the stepper motors overheating and missing steps. I fortunately haven’t had any more issues after slowing down my speeds, acceleration, and enabling jerk control. On top of this I added heatsinks on the X and Y axis stepper motors to help relive the thermal load.
(My printer is in a garage so it can get hot during the summer so hopefully the problem does not come back next year. If it does I will seriously consider running a water cooling loop to cool the stepper motors but hopefully I don’t have to go that far…)
The cooling of the linear module stepper drivers is done by the metal housing, to which they thermally connect the driver chip with a silicone pad. There are reports where they forgot to put that pad on the chip. I think it should look like at ~10s into this video: Snapmaker Linear Module Repair - YouTube
If you read through the post you will get to the point it was a overheating stepper because of printing too fast.
You have opened your own thread please do not ask the same question multiple times in different topics.