Infill slicing fail?

Hi all. I tried a model from Thingiverse and found that Luban did not generate infill for interior support. I am using Luban 3.5.0, printing in Normal mode, with Infill and Support turned on. Some photos are attached. Is it possible that there is a bug in the software? The model is as follows:

If I am missing something obvious I will be happy to try again.
Thanks in advance.

I see that youā€™ve customized the print settings. Did you by chance change the options in the ā€œSurfaceā€ section? Enabling ā€œSpiralize Outer Contourā€ or changing the Surface Mode to anything other than ā€œNormalā€ will disable infill.

The defaults for those are Off and Normal respectively.

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Thank you @clewis. Yes, I did have the spiralize option checked. I sliced again and the preview looks good now. Starting another attempt at printingā€¦

Thanks again!

Although possibly the solution, this is terrible.

The surface setting should NOT disable infill. And if anything anywhere ever forces a change to another option it should WARN for minor things (like spacing or speed) and ERROR for major things like infill and supports to prevent wasted hours with no clue why the print is broken. If things arenā€™t compatible, the not-compatible option should be DISABLED with a hover text with why. Auto-disabling something as important as infill is unacceptable.

Settings like spiralize outer contour and some surface modes are designed not to use infill. It is assumed that if you are using these settings that you are aware of what they do.

No matter what, you should always check the toolpaths before printing, both to make sure no settings were accidentally changed and that nothing is printing over air

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Thatā€™s the whole point of ā€œSpiralize Outer Contourā€. It prints a single continuous string with no movement or Z seam. It makes for a stronger and hopefully waterproof shell. Iā€™m pretty sure it says as much in the On Hover tooltip.

Once the GCode is generated, I always go through the layer slider to make sure it does what I expect it to do. Itā€™s the only way Iā€™ve found to make sure that prints I donā€™t think need supports actually donā€™t need supports. ā€œThis model looks fineā€¦ā€ has happened too many times. :slight_smile: Itā€™s also a good way to make sure that there shouldnā€™t be any bridging/roof issues. Most of that is more gut feel based on experience than the printing-in-midair issue that supports need though.

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