11x11 bed leveling verses 5x5

I just put the printer back on and I’m having bed leveling issues. I started with a 5x5 and it just wasn’t as good as previous. So I went to the 11x11. Still having issues.

Couple questions I can’t find with a quick search (of either the forum of just a plain Google search)

  1. What is “others < SC req Z offset: -0.10” at the end of the 5x5 supposed to do? I would have thought that it could be the offset from moving the head to the build plate (with card), but doing the math several different ways, I can’t get what that line means.

  2. Why doesn’t the 11x11 do that “others < SC req Z offset: -0.10” and the “others < new leveling data:” (with the data) like the 5x5 does?

Not big burning issues, but any insight is appreciated.

Can you explain what you mean by “others < SC req Z offset: -0.10”? What exactly are you refering to?

I’m using the workspace console on my laptop connected to the SM2 via USB.
If you use the 11x11 macro (or the commands directly) it will report the position and ‘probed Z’ response. Same if you evoke the 5x5 calibration from the touchscreen and have the console open, you get the probing report.
Such as:
others < Probing No. 0
others < ProbeX:42.00 ProbeY:28.00 Active:1
others < Move to X: 29.00, Y: 8.85, Z: 15.00
others < probed z: 10.86
others < probed z: 10.89
others < probed z: 10.87

At the end of the action, 5x5 comes in with 16 lines of:
others < SC req Z offset: -0.10
others < SC req Z offset: -0.10
others < SC req Z offset: -0.05
others < SC req Z offset: -0.05
others < SC req Z offset: -0.05
others < SC req Z offset: -0.05 etc…

Then console reports :
others < SC req save data of leveling
others < nozzle height: 0.201
echo:Settings Stored (1186 bytes; crc 34211)
others < new leveling data:
others < 7.55 7.33 7.22 7.15 7.17
others < 7.24 7.25 7.23 7.17 7.22
others < 7.28 7.27 7.23 7.29 7.39
others < 7.21 7.24 7.20 7.23 7.31
others < 7.25 7.38 7.34 7.38 7.42
others < leveling ON

11x11 reporting on the console just ends at the 120 position:
others < Probing No. 120
others < ProbeX:177.00 ProbeY:173.00 Active:1
others < Move to X: 164.00, Y: 153.85, Z: 16.41
others < probed z: 11.55
others < probed z: 11.60
others < probed z: 11.60

That’s when I do the ‘G1029 S’ in the console.
No ‘SC req Z offset’ or ’ new leveling data:’
I do pull the leveling data using ‘M420 V’ for both. The 5x5 M420 data matches the ‘new leveling data’ at the end of the 5x5 run but I have to ‘assume’ the 11x11 completed, as it appears to be correct in the M420 data.

Doesn’t seem to be a problem, I’m just curious since I like to know the details of what and why.