Snapmakerjs Downloads and Updates

Dec. 22: V2.2.2

Thank you for your suggestions to make Snapmakerjs better. Here comes the latest version. Your feedback is always appreciated. =)

Release Note
New Feature: Laser vector contour

  • Input:
  1. png (convert to .svg), .svg.
  2. Potrace .png to .svg
  • Use Case
  1. Laser contour engraving.
  2. Laser cut paper.
  • Showcase:
    Laser Vector Cut paper:

Laser Vector Engraving on Wood:

  • Notice
  1. The online manual will include instructions for this feature soon. Stay tuned.
  2. CNC vector contour is similar to laser vector contour. The CNC vector cutting feature will be released soon. However, CNC is much more dangerours than laser. We have to do thorough test first.

Snapmakerjs for Mac OS

Snapmakerjs for Windows 64 bit

Snapmakerjs for Windows 32 bit

Snapmakerjs for Linux-ia32

Snapmakerjs for Linux-x64

Snapmakerjs for Linux-armv7

Also, from now on, this topic will only for Updates of the software. If you need to report bugs or discuss the functions of Snapmakerjs, please go to the corresponding topics under this category. Thank you!

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